Friday, May 31, 2019
Criticism of Religion in Voltaire’s Candide Essay -- Candide essays
Criticism of Religion in Voltaires CandideIn his newfangled Candide, Voltaire often criticized religious beliefs of the times. His criticism of religion surfaces throughout the entire story. The kindness of the Anabaptist that Candide met showed the silliness of religious prejudices. The old womans story of her father, Pope Urban X, and the life of riches she lived as a child shows the corruption of the Catholic clergy. Finally, the conversation Candide and Cacambo had with the old man in Eldorado shows the benefits of a simple religion, a contrast of the European religions of the time.During the eighteenth century, the Anabaptists were often persecuted and hated because of their radical religious beliefs. Voltaire attacked this custom with his description of the kindness of an Anabaptist by the name of James. Candide found himself in Holland, a Christian country, with no food or work, so he asked one of the Protestant citizens for some bread. After Candide did not admit that the p ope was the antichrist, the Protestant yelled at him, You dont merit to eat... go you scoundr...
Thursday, May 30, 2019
THe beginning of Seattle history :: essays papers
THe beginning of Seattle historyThe coast of Washington is rich with the history of early America. succession very much of the United States was still in its infancy, Washington was thriving with industry. Though the industry was large, the towns were just beginning to grow. Though Washingtons coastal towns offered much to its citizens, it was the logarithmging industry that started it all. In this paper, I will discuss the growth of the logging industry, specifically in relation to Seattle, and the resulting extension industries in the development of what is instanter our nations largest port city.I. The early industryThe laborers who sat idle during the fur trading off-season were of great concern to George Simpson, resident g overnor of the Hudsons Bay Company in 1821. As he sat in his newly transferred building situated on the north bank of the Columbia River, he noticed the commanding view, in which he saw endless stands of thick timber. By order of Simpson, command of the new post, Fort Vancouver, was secured by one John McLoughlin and together, the two established the basic Washington timber mill (Ficken 1987). The mill, which began operation in 1828, was charged with the responsibility of supplying timber up and down the southern coast of the United States and where perpetually markets were deemed profitable. This venture enabled the company to cover expenses throughout the remainder of the year and according to Simpson, yielded quite a handsome profit (Ficken 1987). The mighty Columbia had proven utile in transporting logs to the port in the Puget Sound. The successful Fort Vancouver sawmill constituted the only timber exploitation resource in the Pacific Northwest for over a decade. As the industry became more and more profitable, the inevitable happened, and the Americans came to the Northwest.II. The potential of Seattle is realizedIn 1851, Arthur Denny and a small crew built small log shelters on the beach of Elliot Bay. As Denn y and his party recognized the availability of timber in the region, they moved camp to the more protected eastern shores of the bay to produce facilities to process the lumber they would soon be harvesting (Ficken 1987). As they laid out their settlement, they called their village Duwamps (later to be know as Seattle). The industry grew and soon mill were showing up all over the coast of Washington.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Alcoholism - No Easy Solution Essay examples -- Argumentative Persuasi
Alcoholism - No Easy SolutionMike Brakes Needed A License to Drink is a well- create verbally essay that covers the serious issue of alcoholism and goes on to offer a creative proposal to solve the situation. Brake addresses alcoholism as a patriarchal public health-problem which holds merit, considering Brake sites alcohol is the cause of 19,000 auto fatalities each year. To remedy these preventable fatalities, Brake proposes to institute a national system of licensing with appropriate penalties for violators. He goes on to say that these licenses should be issued the same way as drivers licenses. An applicant would have to read a manual, and take a pen exam which would include questions such as How many drinks would it take to intoxicate a 150lb man? and What is the penalty for drunk driving? After passing the written test applicants would be issued a drinking license that would be required for buying any alcoholic drink. Brake bases his credibility on the tragic premature loss of four family members due to alcoholism which he refers to as a deadly disease (Brake 135). And although it would never be acceptable to wish such apprehension on anyone, the misfortune is not enough to qualify a person as an expert. Brake presents strong family values and plays into the readers compassion for love ones. Brake also spent two years working as a counselor in a chemical-dependency treatment center, where he gained first throw experience working with a young man who passed out while smoking and a nurse who lost her license and became a prostitute. However he mistakenly forgets the patient explanation as to why a young man who passed out while smoking and a nurse who turned prostitute, is pertinent to the problem of alcoholism. If ... ... can not present a legitimate argument, second alcoholism is not a disease and so each person must(prenominal) find it in themselves to stop, or they have family that really loves them and help them stop. Third it would cause more(prenominal) problems then it is solving, and finally it would cost the general public more money then it is worth.Works Cited. Brake, Mike. Needed A License to Drink. The Genre of Argument. Ed. Rosenberg. Boston, MA Thomson Heinle, March 14, 1994. 135-136.Falcone, Timothy J. Alcoholism and Drug Addiction FAQs Saint Jude back away House. 19 April 2004. Online. Internet. 19 April 2004. Available http// Highway Traffic Saftey Administration. Operating Administrations, U.S. DOT FY 2005 Budget in Brief. 19 April 2004. Online. Internet. 19 April 2004. Available http//
Beyond the Themepaper :: Personal Narrative Papers
Beyond the ThemeI woke up yesterday morning, as I always do, at 730. I showered, got dressed, brushed my teeth and did my usual morning routine, and then suddenly, while leaning over my bowl of corn pops, which burst from my mouth with the result of an F-10 at lift off, I got it Yes, yes, yes, I yelled as I did a back and forth arm movements just like football players do when they get a touchdown, and danced around my dining room, still mindful of my neighbors downstairs, of course.So this is what its all about I think to myself. Could this really be what Dr. Morgan and the rest of the categorise has been trying to get me to see? I had just realized that the only way I would be able to go anywhither with this assignment would be to to step out of my body, a body which is so tuned to writing themepapers, and to take a chance at seeing things from a different angle. And so in that respect I was, looking down at myself with the perspective of a bird. I took a moment to admire myself from above. I noticed that I slouch and that my bring out is very crooked. I saw myself sitting in a small room with tan wallpaper and with no windows. I am sitting at a desk and everything looks normal and simple. And then I notice that I have a frustrated look on my face and I am touch by several crumpled up sheets of paper. Why do I look so perturbed, I ask myself? And then I remembered why I was up here-- that gall darn paper about getting beyond the theme. Oh, yeah.How to get beyond the theme? Well, since I am up here and I have left my body for a while, I might as well take advantage of all the space and room up here and explore and do some things that I couldnt or wouldnt have done down there. I will be a voyager. I am free. complimentary to think. Hmmmm. Themewriting. What does it mean to go beyond the theme, that unexplored territory few of us have voyaged to or beyond and that many of my classmates and I are struggling to understand. Hmmm. And then, for the present mom ent time in less than a few hours, I had another revelation.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Nutrtion Diet Program Analysis Essays -- essays research papers
Jean Nidetch initially created the incubus Watchers regimen plan in 1963 when she invited friends over for a hebdomadal collision about weight loss. Weight Watcher is now in 30 diametric countries around the world. In North America 20,000, meetings are held each week. (Northwestern, 2005) This diet is a weight loss program derived through the study of science. By keeping up to date on the latest medical and scientific research, Weight Watchers is able to keep their program constantly changing, evolving, and becoming a state-of-the-art program. (Huett, 2004)Depending on your schedule, area you live, and puff level, Weight Watchers has two options in order to be a part of their program, an online program and on site meetings. Weight Watchers on-line site offers individuals the same type of support as their on-site meetings but from the comfort and privacy of the home or office. Tools have been developed and are available on the web site for dieters to attend meetings, get suppor t, and have access to different recipes, and offers exercise and dieting tips. Individuals pay enrollment fees, which vary by location, and a weekly meeting fee. A typical registration fee is $15-$24 dollars with weekly dues around $13.00. On modal(a), an individual should lose 1-2 pounds per week after the first week. In order for an individual to lose 20 pounds there would be an average cost of $145 that does not include the price for food or the numerous Weight Watcher brand i...
Nutrtion Diet Program Analysis Essays -- essays research papers
Jean Nidetch initially created the Weight Watchers diet plan in 1963 when she invited friends over for a weekly meeting about system of ladings loss. Weight Watcher is now in 30 different countries around the world. In North America 20,000, meetings are held each week. (Northwestern, 2005) This diet is a weight loss program derived through the study of science. By have goting up to date on the latest medical and scientific research, Weight Watchers is able to keep their program constantly changing, evolving, and becoming a state-of-the-art program. (Huett, 2004)Depending on your schedule, area you live, and comfort level, Weight Watchers has two options in order to be a disjoint of their program, an online program and on site meetings. Weight Watchers on-line site offers individuals the same type of support as their on-site meetings but from the comfort and privacy of the mansion or office. Tools have been developed and are available on the web site for dieters to attend meetin gs, get support, and have access to different recipes, and offers exercise and dieting tips. Individuals pay enrollment fees, which vary by location, and a weekly meeting fee. A typical registration fee is $15-$24 dollars with weekly dues around $13.00. On average, an individual should lose 1-2 pounds per week after the first week. In order for an individual to lose 20 pounds there would be an average cost of $one hundred forty-five that does not include the price for food or the numerous Weight Watcher brand i...
Monday, May 27, 2019
The dictionary definition
The dictionary definition of a linguistic discourse is stated as a system of communicating consisting of sounds, devises and grammar, or the system of communicating used by the people of a peculiar state or transaction in Cambridge Advanced Learner s Dictionary ( 2nd edition, 2005 ) . And that means, larning a linguistic communication to pass on decently in that linguistic communication requires get the hanging all parts of a linguistic communication system such the vocabulary, the grammar and the sound system. Harmonizing to Dawani ( 2006 ) in order to pass on in a linguistic communication one should analyze a balance of four basic linguistic communication accomplishments which be indicant, listening, composing, and speech production. That s why instruction and range of these accomplishments have ever been peculiarly of import.In this paper, the rating of one of the four basic linguistic communication accomplishments, viz. training scientific discipline entrust be discuss ed in item. However it is indispensable to put some basic facts about recital before get downing to discourse its rating.Reading in a different linguistic communication has traditionally stemmed from the demand of accessing the written literature of a higher civilization. Subsequently with the visual flavor of communicative attack, or else of high civilization literature, interpreting texts started to be chosen harmonizing to the reading purposes like utilizing mundane stuffs such as newspaper articles, coach agendas, etcetera , for intents to develop communicative competency. As a consequence, instruction of reading and reading drills at any degrees became a cardinal portion of linguistic communication instruction.As a definition, reading accomplishment is called an expertness which turns composing into significance and enables the eloquence and scholarship of the proprietor. Agring that, Rasinski ( 2004 ) provinces, accurate and automatic decryption of the words by giving communicatory readings of it to accomplish maximal comprehension means reading eloquence. Consequently, reading does non simply average accurate decryption of the words like instructors thought for old ages. And that s why the appraisal of reading should affect the ability of eloquence and comprehension, for certain.From another point of position, harmonizing to Stages of Reading Development of Chall s ( 1983 ) Reading is a accomplishment which develops through some phases and a uninterrupted procedure. Agring that, Beers ( 2006 ) adds that in instance of a skip in a reading development phase, pupils will fight in their reading ability and finally this will at any rate impact their authorship accomplishments. That s why instructors should be entirely attentive to pupils comprehension of each phase of reading procedure before go oning with the following degree. Harmonizing to Carnine & A Silbert ( 2004 ) , Appraisals supply the information that will enable pedagogues to supply k ids with direction that starts where they are and so construct on that base to assist kids progress to the higher levels. ( p. 13-15 )As it is evident from all these research workers statements, the rating of reading is a important portion of learning a linguistic communication. Although most of the researches of that field unite in the importance of rating, they differ in the sentiments for the rating mediums. No affair how much a peculiar rating type is praised by pedagogues, in world all of them has some advantages and disadvantages and usage of these rating types is merely a affair of penchant.Hughes ( 2007 ) states that, all appraisals are fundamentally knowing to develop the acquisition of pupils. As it is stated in Hughes ( 2007 ) , appraisal is the procedure ofGathering information from a assortment of beginningsSupplying pupils with descriptive feedback for future developmentMiscue AnalysisIn this type of appraisal, the mistakes a kid makes during the reading procedure are diagnosed. Using this method, a instructor can be much easy cognizant of the pupils comprehension by looking for at the errors he/she makes.The 6 Types of MiscuesCorrection A child self-corrects his/her mistake and re-reads the section/word without motivating.Interpolation A kid adds a few words which are non on the page.Omission A kid omits a word while reading.Repeat A kid repeats a word or part of the text. snow A kid will change by reversal the order of the text or the word.Substitution A kid inserts a different word, alternatively of reading a specific word.Some regulations about utilizing miscue analysis subprogram unfamiliar text, non something the kid knows from memory.Do non utilize miscue analysis on critic readersGive the pupil some pick in the reading choice.You will necessitate a quiet topographic point without breaks, it can be really give to hand to enter the kid which provides you with an chance to listen to the transition more than one time.Photocopy the ch oice the pupil will read, utilize this to enter the miscues.Record each miscue. ( Use hypens for skipped words, record each permutation ( Internet Explorer, went for when ) , use for interpolation and record the word ( s ) , circle omitted words, underline repeated words, you may besides inclination to utilize // for repeated words.What do the miscues tell you?CorrectionThis is good We want readers to self-correct. However is the reader reading excessively fast? Is the reader mis-correcting accurate reading? If so, the reader frequently does nt see himself as a good reader.InterpolationDoes the inserted word detract from destineing? If non, it may merely intend the reader is doing sense but besides inserts. The reader may besides be reading excessively fast. If the interpolation is something like utilizing finished for coating, this should be addressed.OmissionWhen words are omitted, it may intend weaker visual trailing. Determine if the significance of the transition is affect ed or non. If non, skips can besides be the consequence of non concentrating or reading excessively fast. It may besides intend the sight vocabulary is weaker.RepeatTonss of repeat may intend that the text degree is excessively hard. Sometimes readers repeat when they re unsure and will reiterate the word ( s ) to do sense of the transition.ReversalWatch for altered significance. Many reversals happen with immature readers with high frequence words of for for etc.SubstitutionsSometimes a kid will utilize a permutation because they do nt understand the word being read. Does the permutation make sense in the transition, is it a logical permutation?In SummaryUsing miscue analysis is an of import diagnostic tool that should be done every 6-8 hebdomads to see how the reader is bettering in the schemes used. Making sense of the miscues will assist you with following stairss to better the kid s reading. It is worthwhile to hold a few inquiries prepared that Lashkar-e-Taiba you know about the kid s comprehension of the transition read as miscue analysis tends to trust on reding you of the schemes used. Miscue analysis may look clip devouring ab initio, nevertheless, the more you do, the easier the procedure gets.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Early Mesopotamian Culture Contributed to the Foundation of Western civilization Essay
I t would be very difficult to argue against the importance of early Mesopotamian culture. The title Mesopotamia refers to the land which lies between deuce rivers the Tigres on the east and the Euphrates on the west. The latter is referred to in the Bible in Genesis 2 v14 as flowing out of the Garden of Eden, so it larnms that the biblical writers seem to have felt that this area was where humanity began. The ruins of a metropolis, Ur of the Chaldaeans, can still be seen at Tell Mugheir which lies 140 miles south of ancient Babylon and cl miles to the northwest of the Persian Gulf in modern Iraq.The main part of the ruins cover some 150 acres and were uncovered over umteen eld, setoff with the major excavations of J. E. Taylor in 1854. Chaldean civilzation The Chaldeans were a Semitic people, i. e they spoke hotshot of the Semitic languages and were Caucasians and by tradition they were from descended from Shem, son of Noah. Their civilization was mainly on the banks of the Euphrates, where the land was more fertile and capable of producing rich crops. Animals much(prenominal) as sheep and goats were in addition domesticated.The Chaldean cities had many of the attri simplyes that we recognize in modern cities at a period when most people of the world were still hunter gatherers. Eridu, which is a few miles to the SSW of Ur, was another religious center, with a mud brick stepped tabernacle to the Chaldean god of the sea and of wisdom. Archeologists have even found the remains of burnt fish left as offerings. It too was rediscovered in the19th century. It seems that the temples were originally built on platforms at ground level, but gradually higher and higher levels were built on the earlier foundations.According to records Eridu was at one time actually on the coast and silt deposits seem to date it somewhere in the 7th millennium B. C. E. , although the earliest settlers in the area arrived about 9,000 B. C. E. according to The History Guide, repro of 2. The cities seem to have been a response by early settlers in order to organise such things as irrigation, trade and the needs of a large population. Because of the need to record trading clay tokens came into use, different shapes re resigning different commodities.As is often the case the city grew up on the banks of the river, it being their source of weewee and of organised trade. They use dams and weirs to control the water supply, just as a modern people might do. Wooden ploughs were used to break up the smear before planting crops such as barley, turnips and onions. They also grew both(prenominal)(prenominal) apples and grapes and whitethorn well have been the first people to discover the means of ma faggot both beer and wine, probably by accident at first. J. E. Taylor uncovered a stepped temple mound or ziggurat which climbed in three levels to a height of 70 feet and was known as the Mountain of Heaven.70 feet may not sound impressive to us, but this would have b een the only large building in the domain and visible for miles around. Buried at the four feeders of the ziggurat were cuneiform tablets telling of the name of the city and its founder and who had carried out repairs to the temple over the years. So we see that this was a city that was organised enough for its citizens to work together over a prolonged period on this huge construction project. In the temple area were found records revealing that the people paid tithes and that the temple also benefited from trade with other people.Leonard Woolleys excavation of 1924, as recorded in the Thompson chain Bible archeological supplement, page 364, revealed some 4 square miles of the city outside this sacred area. Woolley uncovered some 1800 graves including 16 that he designated as Royal. The cemeteries revealed huge tombs where many retainers had died in order to accompany their king or queen to the after life. So these people were capable of abstract thought and spiritual depth. Th e people thought that their kings were descended from the gods that they worshipped.Sometimes kings called Shepherds because of their responsibilities to care for the needs of the people. These were large rooms as big as10 metres long with walls of both stone and mud brick. thither were quays for shipping, commercial buildings, houses of two stories with fire places and sanitary systems. Houses, temples and palaces were decorated with pictures, often depicting victories. There were chapels for worship and a school building where tablets revealed that reading, writing, including grammar, basic mathematics and record were taught. This was almost certainly only for the sons of the elite.Most boys would have learned a trade from their fathers, while girls helped with what were considered more womanly tasks such as grinding corn and weaving. Flax was grown to make linen, quite a complicated process. Men wore skirts, but women wore clothes that covered them from shoulders to ankles. Wome n wore their hair long, usually braided and most men were novel shaven, even in this time before metal blades. It was a patriarchal society, but amazingly women had rights that they have only in comparatively recent years attained again in many societies i. e.the right to end an unsatisfactory marriage and the right to own property in their own right. This city used writing to keep records from such beginnings would later emerge literature of all kinds, poetry, stories, plays, even modern advertising, all of which began when someone discovered that they could make permanent mark that could be later read by themselves and others. They had mathematics in their case only arithmetic, but this is where all branches of mathematics begin. They were able to trade with other people, both to get rid of surplus goods in a profitable way, and also to obtain what they could not produce themselves e.g. the lapis lazuli found in the royal tombs which may well have come all the way from Afghan istan, although there are small deposits elsewhere in the world. They wrote music and songs. Some songs were written for religious reasons, but many were written to describe important events in the community.. Songs were used by people at every level of society to amuse , but also to educate and were sung to children who passed them on to their children. In this way, just as we teach children nursery rhymes forthwith or sing patriotic songs , songs and ideas were passed on through many generations and were finally recorded in wriitng.These songs provided a means of passing on through the years important information about historical events. Even today they reveal much about this civilization to modern scholars. Later in their history the people of this area founded the Babylonian empire which stretched from the Mediterranean to the Persian Gulf. They would set about great astronomers, able to study the planets and stars with great accuracy. Mesopotamia cities served as capitals of the Assyrian, Mitanni, Neo-Assyrian, Neo-Babylonian, Parthian, Sassanid and Abbasid empires.Naturally such a large and complicatedcivilization had to have laws in order to control conduct. It was a Mesopotanian king Hammurabi, in about 1780 BC, who set out what is one of the earliest known sets of laws. He made over 200 laws for Mesopotamia, now know as the scratch of Hammurabi. In Genesis 11 we have the description of Abram taking Sarai for his wife, so they understood concepts of family and commitment. According to Dr Gerard Falk Abram was a Hebrew, the name meaning one who crossed over, i. who forded the river in order to look for the land to which he believed God had sent him. Abram, later Abraham, is of course acknowledged as the forefather of both Judaism, and so Christianity and Islam. So these civilizations and their religions, with the idea of monotheism and family and moral values also were born in Mesopotamia. Later in the history of the area the various city state s would come to blows over such things as water supplies and rights to land. These were argued over for many years, just as such things occur today, before eventually erupting into war in about 3200BC.Conclusion So we see that many things that we consider to be civilized and which are of importance in modern western civilization such as organised city life, trade with other lands, the beginnings of literature and science, agriculture, social interaction, property rights and marriage as well as abstract concepts such as an afterlife and spirituality were present long ago. Alongside these were things we might not be so approving of, yet which are present in modern western societies, such as disputes with neighbouring states, divorce and even war.The Chaldeans kept records, had a legal system, educated their young people both academically and practically and were able to work together to consider common goals. These are all things that we, as modern people still do and still value eve n after 9,000 years. Bibliography Thompson Chain Bible, King jam Version, 1964, London Eyre and Spottiswood. Electronic sources Ancient Mesopotamia found at http//www. shrewsbury-ma. gov/schools/Central/Curriculum/ELEMENTARY/SOCIALSTUDIES/Mesopotamia/ancient_mesopotamia. htmclothing and retrieved on fifteenth November 2007 ERIDU found at http//www. retrieved fifteenth November 2007 FALK, G. Chaldea found at http//www. jbuff. com/c041603. htm retrieved 15th November 2007 LAPIS LAZULI found a t http//www. gemstone. org/gem-by-gem/english/lapis. hypertext markup language retrieved 15th November 2007 Mesoptamia, The British Museum found at http//www. mesopotamia. co. uk/menu. html and retrieved 15th November 2007 SEMITIC definition found at http//www. webster-dictionary. net/definition/Semitic retrieved 15th November 2007 THE HISTORY GUIDE, LECTURE 2 found at http//www. historyguide. org/ancient/lecture2b. html retrieved 15th November 2007
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Multicultural backgrounds Essay
Both of these poets bottom Agard and Sujata Bhatt write songs about their multicultural backgrounds. In John Agards poem half-caste he starts off with Standard English. save as he goes on through out the poem he uses Caribbean dialect. His poem is about his feelings towards being multicultural.He feels angry, sad and is questioning his audience. In Sujata Bhatts poem search for my expression she has many feelings about her start barbarism and how she doesnt want to lose her first language. She is feeling sad because she thinks she is loosing her mother tongue but it comes back in her dream and she feels happy again.John Agard was born in Guyana but move to England in 1977 so he has lived in England for 30 years. John Agard finds the term half-caste insulting and wants people to know how he feels about being mixed raced. Sujata Bhatt is like John Agard because she was born in India but moved when she was young. Sujata Bhatt moved to the United States. This is where she learned her English. She married a person from Germany, where she later then moved to. She wrote this poem search for my tongue because she was afraid of loosing her mother tongue Gujarati.In half-caste John Agard demonstrates a lot of emotions. He is angry in his poem he says ah rass this is a term of discust. John Agard is being ironic when he says I offer you half a hand you would expect him to offer you a whole hand.How can you offer half a hand? John Agard is also trying to be humours, when he refers to things as half. Like the English weather yu mean when light on shadow mix in de cant over is a half-case weather John Agard is trying to put across that the English sky is never one colour its a mixture of influence like blue, white, grey.This links in with his multicoloured background because they are different colours just like he is. Sujata Bhatt also uses a lot of emotions in her poem. Sujata Bhatt feels sad when she says If you had two tongues in your mouth, and lost the first on e, the mother tongue she feels like she didnt get to know her mother tongue and feels sad that she wear outt know her first language. Sujata Bhatt thinks that her mother tongue would not come back to her in the first part of the poem. So the first two stanzas of her poem are about her sadness. nevertheless when she realises her mother tongue is back she feels happy it grows back, a stomp of a shoot she is feeling pleased that she can intend Gujarati again. Sujata Bhatt felt that she had lost her mother tongue forever but when she realised that it came back she was relieved that she still knows Gujarati. No one would want to there mother tongue.The tone in John Agards poem half-caste is said in an angry tone. John Agard is warning those people who call him half-caste, as John Agard finds the word half-caste offensive. John Agard says explain yuself wha yu mean its as if someone as called John Agard half-caste and he wants to know the reason why they have called him half-caste. Joh n Agard is mentation that being half-caste doesnt mean he should be called something different. Through out the poem John Agards tone does change.He starts being perplexed. He has precondition the audience reasons in which being half-caste is such a beautiful thing. Like Picassos paintings when yu say half-caste yu mean Picasso Picassos paintings are colourful and bright. In Sujata Bhatts poem search for my tongue her tone is sad.As he thinks her mother tongue has gone. Through a long period of time her tone is sadness. However after the Gujarati Sujata Bhatts tone changes. Her tone becomes happier as her mother tongue comes back to life the bud opens, the bud opens in my mouth her tone becomes a happier. This style of tone carries on. Sujata Bhatts tone changes just like John Agards tone. They both start off in a sad steering but as the poem progresses the tone changes to a more happier tone.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Israeli politics and the position of Palestinians in the conflict Essay
The U S and Israel are engaged in extensive strategic Like political and military the Statesn aids to Israel speci on the wholey in project allocations and loans intelligence sharing As according to Lt. Col Abo-sak said that U. S relation with middle east specially focus on Americas involvement in the Palestinian-Israeli crisis . There are hardly a(prenominal) causations that Israel always stand by American office. The first is that American military ensure trade protection of nation and trade and access to maintain all the facilities of the Israel.American and Israel signed memorandum of understanding which says that there would be close tribute co-operation and co-ordination between the Governments of these two countries. These two nations mutually agree to stand together against terrorism and co-operate in information sharing, investigation, research, and development of policy making. In December 2005 twain the state signed agreement to joint against the smuggling of nuclea r and radioactive material this agreement is the part of the non- proliferation program of the U. S.Department of Energys internal Nuclear Security 2. In 1993 Israel and Palestine signed the declaration of principles to create peace between the two countries. After a radical Israeli contend to the peace process assassinated Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, the Labor party lost the Israeli election of 1996, giving away to the Likud party led by Benjamin Netanyahu. According to Karen (1991) the new government did not commit itself to the peace accords signed by the previous Israeli government, and the peace process was slowed to a dead-end street giving way to war.A) What happened during Ehud Barak and Ariel Sharons Administrations? During his tenure Barak really imprint lot on the Israel economic sector and he solve the case of the recession and beat boom in economic with 5. 9% annual growth and there was zero inflation, and his Government basically focuses on the peace making proc ess and he led to effort to negotiate on peace making agreement 1stly he went to Syria and later to Palestinian authority with the serve well of the American ex- prexy bill of fare Clinton and his administration some how these negotiation didnt work out.Mr. Barak besides said that the whole government is for the national interest and for the looming security challenges and the economic crisis as he also mentioned that labor can play major role for the counterforce inside the government and labor party s dominant role in make the Israeli state .After the Barak ,Ariel Sharon became the new prime minster of the Israel and he also negotiate with the Palestinian leader for the peace making process and said that Israel is also full of Jewish population and there should be complete co-operation among two countries and it should be united and indivisible for eternity . The new Israeli government break the terms of the peace accord by, among other things, building new Israeli settlemen ts in occupied lands, also in contravention of the international law. b) What role take for the Palestinians played in this?And what has Hamas done? Palestinians was altogether agree to establish peace within and with other countries so far its known that earlier Palestine was completely under the control of Israel and many people of Palestine was homeless and moved to the other countries as refugees and that the encounter had been fight to bring refugees back to Palestine and because this was the ultimate reason for the peace process from the Palestine ,such group like Hamas which work for the peace in Palestine and Hamas is also know as terrorist group.Hamas is the largest and to the highest degree influential Palestinian militant. In January 2006, the group won the Palestinian Authoritys (PA) general legislative elections, and defeated Fatah the party of the PAs president, Mahmud Abbas, since coming in power, Hamas has continued refuses to recognize the state of Israel. Hist orically, Hamas has sponsored an extensive social service network. This group also operated a terrorist wing, carrying out suicide bombings and attacks using mortars and short-range rockets. Hamas is not a terrorist group it is an addition of military wingThe basic goal of the Hamas is combined with Palestinian nationalism with Islamic fundamentalism it was to replace PA of Israel with an Islamism state on the west bank and Gaza and to rise the banner of the Allah in whole Palestine . 3. Applying peaceful facts in accordance with the principles of the US constitution would prevent the ground forces from making warp decisions that are constantly being made by the administrators against Arabs. a) Explain and give examples of these peaceful facts that can be used.The united state form of peace (USIP) seeks to here a fair move toward to its work connecting to Arab-Israeli relations by supporting investigate, program and grants that get better sympathetic, expand ability and test the issues in ways that can be helpful to all parties who are looking for peace. Arab-Israeli relationships have deteriorated to their lowly point in an age band, with increasing and outfit cruelty. However, the harshness of the evils may force the parties to think again long-stagnant issue and make opportunity for new efforts to decide the disagreement.In order to grab on the bespeak for renewing discussions, USIP is conducting both policy-relevant investigation and pioneering training in hold of local initiatives to put up sustain for peace. 4. In the past, the United States officials were on the side of the Israelis and gave bias opinion on the Arabs creating a condition of animosity and terror between the two countries. a) Give examples of this. American strategy in the centerfield due east has had few successes to speak ofsmaller amount still when bearing in mind the Palestinian-Israeli involvement.One reason With few exceptions ( president Carter certainly, President Clinton occasionally), Arabs in general and Palestinians in imperative have not trusted American negotiators, who have always taken sidesIsraels. The last time American mediation achieved an absolute success was from side to side the Camp David agreement of 1979, when Israel and Egypt signed a peace treaty and Israel ceded back the Sinai to Egypt. Last 60 years the United States has claimed a dominant role in Middle East issues. But its evidence is poor. Concerning the Palestinians, its almost negligible.Americans have little trust in Palestinian eyes. Theres a reason why. As Aaron David Miller explain in The Much Too Promised Land , each American presidential management live a mediating position in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict takes it for decided that its on Israels side first and foremost. This is not only the matter of ideology. Miller describes how each text, any peace plan, and every accord that the Americans presented in Palestinian-Israeli talks over the years were vetted fir st through Israeli negotiators. Ronald Reagan once, in September 1982, announces a peace plan without first informing the Israelis.United States is not only violating the Camp David accords but also the U. S. promise to ask with Israel before responsibility such a plan. As Begin flutter between anger, tired acceptance, and a hurt resentment, it became clear that what set him off most was the American choice to organize the proposal in go ahead with both the Jordanians and the Saudis. 5. President Obama must now ensure that the historical mistakes that were made by the past regime that lead to massive killings and displacement are not repeated during his reign as the president of the US.To ensure that his legacy remains in the book of records US human rights groups, non-governmental organizations and research centers hat has been continuously back up by the United Nations to give a conflicting information that has increased insecurity and fear between the two nations. a) How can president Obama do this? President Barack Obama said on Wednesday Israeli plans to build more homes near East Jerusalem were not helpful for the Middle East peace process, but he said the issue had not led to a crisis with one of the United States closest allies.In an interview with FORX news channels president Obama said that Israel is one of the closed allies of the America and American and Israeli people have special relationship and bond and that not going away. He also mentioned that there is dissimilarity in terms of peace making process. Whatever action has been taken by Prime Minister (Netanyahu) of Israel didnt work out so he said that what America need now is both side to recognize and to realize that this move of peace is for their nation interest. 6. wrangle USAs views towards the conflict in the cold war and during the peace process.Due to cold war the United States became intensely occupied in the Middle East after 1945. U. S. officials required constancy in the Midd le East on behalf of their objectives in the area and about the world. Stability in the area, these leaders unspecified, would help them safeguard their essential wellbeing and succeed in the Cold fight. The Arab-Israeli conflict directly threatened Middle East stability in the late forties and 1950s. Israel refused to send home Arab Palestinian refugees, who became a political reason for the leaders of Arab states.Limitations on trade and shipping and disagreement about territorial restrictions and waterways bitter all of the protagonists. Despite the significance of Arab-Israeli peace to regional constancy, however, U. S. officials subsume their peacemaking to other Cold War interests. Government of USA tempered its devotion to conflict resolution with a determination to deny the Soviets any chance to gain political power in the Middle East. In the end, the United States unsuccessful to resolve the overall Arab-Israeli conflict or any of its exact dispute. The United States beca me fixed in the middle of the Arab-Israeli conflict. U. S.officials felt bound by their global repression policy to intercede in the Arab-Israeli conflict and to protect sound relations with all sides of the argument. U. S. has strategic approach in the direction of the Arab-Israeli argument during the first two presidential administrations after World War II. . Reference Abo-Sak, Lieutenant Colonel Mohammed F. (1999) US Involvement in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Solution or Complication? Retrieved on 1 May 2010 from http//www. alhewar. com/LtCol. htm Abo-Sak, Lieutenant Colonel Mohammed F. Gaza New kinetics of Civic Disintegration Journal of Palestinian Studies, Summer 1993Special REPORT with Bret Baier Barack Obama (17th march 2010) available at topics. nytimes. com Hahn, P L (2004) Caught in the Middle East U. S. Policy toward the Arab-Israeli Conflict, 1945-1961 Abstract available and Retrieved on 1 May 2010 from http//uncpress. unc. edu/browse/page/393 Tristam P, (n. d. ) Americas Pro-Israel Bias Why the United States Takes Israels brass A Long-Standing Commitment to Israel in the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict Retrieved on 1 May 2010 from http//middleeast. about. com/od/arabisraeliconflict/a/me080707. htm Israel and Saudi Arabia Retrieved on 1 May 2010 from http//www. usip. org/countries-continents
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Professional Ethics Essay
1. Clearly, Dr. Conrad Hadenuf is not justified in his refusal to attend the substance profane re-training program. His refusal to participate in the workshops merely because of his self-perceived sterling(prenominal)ity and achievements shows his negative and unprofessional attitude towards opportunities in improving his put on. His lack of interest and inactive participation during the workshop proper showed a very disturbing sign of the lack of ethical responsibility to clients wherein Hadenuff displayed how averse he is to learn more than the things he thinks he already knows.By dismissing the workshop as something that he does not need, Hadenuff also effectively deprives present and future clients with substance abuse problems with a practitioner who has an updated knowledge and skill in handling substance abuse issues. Indeed, the very reason for the existence of mandated continuing education as a requirement for license renewal is to encourage practitioners to maximize ava ilable learning opportunities so they can enhance the quality of service that they provide to clients.2. I will refer the Chinese client to someone else who is acquainted(predicate) with the Chinese culture as my lack of experience and knowledge of Chinese might affect my ability to provide the client with the serviceance and service that she needs. My unfamiliarity with the Chinese culture would clear limit my ability to provide the client with quality counselling as my judgements and bias may come into conflict with Chinese values and norms. I would also inform the client that the referral is being made with her best interests in mind, and my limitations in understanding her background could impede my ability to assist her in coming up with an adequate and admit response to her problems.3. I think that both Amy and Augustus are being unprofessional in their actions and attitudes. Both clearly had a weakness in establishing the proper boundaries for their affinity which has cau sed intimate feelings to be developed between them. Amy, as Augustus professor and individual supervisor, should not have further Augustus attraction by giving him hope that it would end in a positive way. She should have told him mighty there and then that such a relationship would not only put her in a bad light among her colleagues and the institution she works for, but also violates her sense of professional ethics.If I were Amys colleagues, I would advise her not to pursue the relationship as it is imbalanced from the start. The uneven balance of power, wherein Augustus as a student, would tend to regard Amy as his superior by the mere fact that she was his professor and advisor, would clearly have an effect on an intimate relationship they are planning to have. It would not be appropriate for Amy and Augustus to date while the latter is still in the program, as it might have an impact on other students perception of Augustus status and performance in the program, although it might be acceptable once he has graduated.4. I would not agree with the administrations decision to keep my status as a student intern from my clients. It would be highly unethical and unprofessional to be dishonest to clients about the extent of my abilities and current capacities. Clearly, the rationale of the administrators are unacceptable as it violates the clients right to full discretion of the nature of service that they are being provided, including the status and the limitations of the counselor sent to them.By keeping the real status of my practice from my clients, I am violating their trust and confidence in my abilities and I could put them at risk for claiming to be a full-pledged counselling practitioner despite the truth. Thus, I would not accept the internship assignment of the community agency if accepting it would mean that I would have to be dishonest and would have to violate my potential clients right to full discretion of services which is unethical and unpro fessional for counselling practitioners.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
The Problems of Lima City
The problems of capital of Peru urban center Lima city is full of charm and scenic beauty, so visitors from around the world convey to enjoy its typical dishes, museums,countless beaches and scenic wonders. Although Lima seems like a paradise,Not all what we find there is as as good as we think. Believe it or not, but Lima has several serious problems such as the poor public transportation,crime-violence and the bad infrastructure due to the scores of suburbs and places that have lack of lots of services.The first and most important problem in lima is its inadequate public transportation system. Thousand of residents rely on the citys buses and minibuses to trip up throughout this large city, however the bus routes are poorly planned wich cause rush hours and traffic. For example a person who should take the bus at 745 am may not take it until eight oclock or even later. Sometimes three or more buses or minibuses arrive in bunches at time that people are waiting, but they cant t he buses because they are full.Thats why, passengers frequently become hard-pressed become this problem causes them to be late for work or to miss important appointments. THE TRANSPORTATION,2010 ISABEL GUERRA The second serious problem that Lima faces is crime and violence. The security in Lima has declined in the last years because police corruption have increased in line with rising level of poverty. Besides the profileration of low-income settlements wich are cognize as barriadas that have as members young people that steal.. Nowadays, we can see lots of people who are complaining about the security in this city. harmonise to some city polls, 82% of people who live in Lima say that they were robbed at least once while they were walking around the streets of this equivocal city. Not only that, but people are also concerned about leaving home alone. To illustrate it, more than 50% houses were robbed during the last holydays. So to wrap out this, people are not secure neigher on the streets nor at home. BULLETIN OF LATIN AMERICAN RESEARCH VOL. 27, NO. 2 The utmost problem is the lack of good infrastructure of housing and services in Lima.This is an interesting city that offers a good lifestyle for young, ambitious business and skipper people. Also, immigrants are attracted to this city because is has tourist attractions and offers variety of typical dishes. All of these tourists or immigrants would need rental units that are in good conditions like apartments, flats and single family houses. But, unfortunately, Limas rental units have an old infrastructure. Thats why most of the buildings of Lima downtown are declarated in danger.Even though this, we insist on living in those old buildings. That is not secure for all the people who live, work or go to those places at all. LIMA extended CITY AND BIG PROBLEM, 2000 GILBERT A. In conclusion, Lima city must improve its public transit system for avoiding the traffic, develop a project to become places in force (p) and housing in good conditions. In others words, Lima city must improve its image, or it will soon become just mediocre city due to the lack of administrative responsability to solve these problems. .
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Principles and Articles of the US Constitution Essay
When one speaks of checks and balances in government you must understand what is real(a)ly world requested. It is simply a system set up of the three show clock timees of government that can either am intercept or veto an act of another branch as to prevent any one branch from having too much power over the other. Is this system effective? Over time, the Constitution has been interpreted and amend to adapt to changing circumstances, and the powers exercised by the federal government have changed with it.For instance because the federal government can influence the states it has the right to withhold federal finances from the states that do not want to go along with their plans whatever they maybe. Because the government can only exercise those powers specifically granted by Constitution, it is important to rampart the rights and powers of the people. This includes the freedom of speech, press, and religion the right to be free from unlawful searches and to a trail by jury, all o f which are the first 10 amendments.Numerous real life conflicts have put this system to test over the past couple of centuries, precisely have stood fairly strong for over 200 eld. From the endurance of Nixon over the Watergate scandal to Clintons impeachment over the affair with Ms. Lewinsky (Checks and Balances within the U. S Government) it proofs that this system can guard the U. S from any tyranny from administration corruption, scandals and cover-ups. So yes this system proves to be effective to me and that all the government branches remain important and no reform is deemed necessary at this time.How does a metre become a law? Getting a bill die harded as a law takes time and effort on part of the U. S. House of Representatives. Ill give a brief summary of the steps from bill to law. First and foremost a bill is just an idea either from the representatives or the people at which time if agreed upon it then becomes a bill. Next, other representatives have to support the bill, if so then it is placed in a box next to the clerks desk, assigned a number and then read to the house.The speaker of the house then sends it to the committee for review, research and revisions before sending it back to the house floor. Sometimes additional training is required and then the bill is sent to sub-committees before being an approved. Once approved the bill is then ready for debate by the House of Representatives where they go out agree or disagree on the bill. Changes are then do and now the bill is ready for voting. It takes majority of the Representatives to say or s elite yes on the matter at which time it is then delivered to the U.S. Senate by the clerk of the house.Just like the U. S. House of Representatives the U. S Senate goes through some of the similar steps. The Senate committee discusses the bill and then report to the Senate floor for yet again another choose. If the vote is yea then off to the President it goes. The President has the option to s ign and pass the bill, veto the bill or do thing at which time the house makes the decision based on what is happening in the house.If by run into the bill has passed in both the U. S. House of Representatives and the U. S.Senate and is approved by the President then the bill becomes a law and will then be implement by the government. I believe that because the three branches were put in place for the people it has worked to some extent. The people get a chance to vote and elect who they want to run the country in which they must live. We get the option of having a trail that is to be fair and without prejudice. Sometimes though you have to ask yourself when making decisions are all the decisions about the people or are they thinking about themselves and personal agendas.I would have to say sometimes it is both. When the vote is about raising taxes who does this hurts the poor man not the wealthy. When they want to vote on cutting jobs in higher offices then they try and fix the b udget. How inequitable is that. Decisions should always be made to suit the country as a whole and not when it deems necessary. Some things that I did learn was that when it came to voting that it was something called electoral votes and is made by an electoral college who actually cast the votes for which the candidates really become president. a person running for president can lose the overall popular votes, but still become President because of the votes casted by the electoral college (Kimberling, 1992).Now my take on this is that in actuality as a people we are not really electing a president that we pick because of this rule from the Electoral College, so why have us vote? The U. S. Constitution had been around for over 200 years and has managed to with stand the test of time with minimum problems so I believe that we should just allow this document to run its course and see it through the end of time.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Anti Terrorism
Philosophical argu ments avenging Supporters of the expiration punishment argued that demise penalization is morally justified when applied in murder specially with aggravating segments much(prenominal) as multiple homicide, child murder, torture murder and mass killing such as terrorism, massacre, or genocide. Some yet argue that not applying death penalization in last mentioned cases is patently unjust. This argument is strongly defended by New York jurisprudence prof Robert Blecker 4, who says that the punishment must be painful in proportion to the crime.It would be unfair that those who commence committed these horrible crimes stay alive, even incarcerated. Abolitionists argue that retribution is simply revenge and cannot be condoned. Others while accepting retribution as an element of criminal justice nonetheless argue that life without parole is a sufficient substitute. Human rights Abolitionists regard chief city punishment is the worst violation of human rights , because the right to life is the most important, and judicial carrying out violates it without necessity and inflicts to the condemned a psychological torture.Albert Camus wrote in a 1956 book called Reflections on the Guillotine, Resistance, Rebellion & Death An launch is not simply death. It is just as different from the privation of life as a engrossment camp is from prison. For in that location to be an equivalency, the death penalization would have to punish a criminal who had warned his dupe of the date at which he would inflict a horrible death on him and who, from that moment onward, had hold him at his mercy for months. Such a monster is not encountered in private life. 5 This view contradicts genuine natural rights doctrine, which stresses that the right to life can be forfeited by grave misbehavior. 3 Practical arguments improper effectuation Main article Wrongful execution Capital punishment is often opposed on the grounds that innocent people will inevitab ly be kill. Supporters of capital punishment object that these lives have to be weighed against the far more numerous innocent people whose lives can be protected if the murderers atomic number 18 deterred by the prospect of being executed. 6 Between 1973 and 2005, 123 people in 25 cites were released from death rowing when b be-assed evidence of their innocence emerged. 7 However, statistics likely understate the actual problem of wrongful convictions because once an execution has occurred thither is often insufficient motivation and finance to keep a case open, and it becomes unlikely at that dapple that the miscarriage of justice will ever be exposed. Another issue is the quality of the defense in a case where the accused has a public defender. The competence of the defense lawyer is a advance predictor of whether or not someone will be clock timed to death than the facts of the crime. 8 Also, improper role whitethorn result in unfair executions. For example, Amnesty Int ernational argues that, in Singapore, the Misuse of Drugs Act contains a series of presumptions which shift the burden of proof from the criminal prosecution to the accused. This conflicts with the universally guaranteed right to be presumed innocent until turn out guilty. 9 This refers to a situation when someone is being caught with drugs. In this situation, in almost any jurisdiction, the prosecution has a prima facie case. Racial and gender factors in the United soilsAfrican Americans, though they currently make up besides 12 percent of the general population, have made up 41 percent of death row inmates and 34 percent of those actually executed since 1976. 10 According to Craig Rice, a black member of the mendelevium state legislature The question is, are more people of color on death row because the system puts them there or are they committing more crimes because of unequal access to education and opportunity? The right smart I was raised, it was always to be held accoun table for your actions. 11 As of 2010, women account for only 1. % (55 people) of inmates on death row, with men accounting for the other 98. 3% (3206). Since 1976, only 1. 0% (12) of those executed were women. 12 Deterrence The existence of a bullying effect is disputed. Studies-especially older ones-differ as to whether executions deter other potential criminals from committing murder or other crimes. unmatched reason that there is no general consensus on whether or not the death penalisation is a bank check is that it is used so rarely only about one out of every three hundred murders actually results in an execution. In 2005 in the Stanford Law Review, John J.Donohue III, a law professor at Yale with a doctorate in economic accomplishment, and Justin Wolfers, an economist at the University of Pennsylvania, wrote that the death penalty is applied so rarely that the number of homicides it can plausibly have caused or deterred cannot reliably be disentangled from the larg e year-to-year changes in the homicide rate caused by other factors The existing evidence for deterrence is surprisingly fragile. Wolfers stated, If I was allowed 1,000 executions and 1,000 exonerations, and I was allowed to do it in a random, focused way, I could probably pass on you an answer. 13 Naci Mocan, an economist at Louisiana State University, authored a study that looked at all 3,054 U. S. counties over devil decades, and concluded that each execution saved five lives. Mocan stated, I personally am opposed to the death penalty But my research shows that there is a deterrent effect. 13 Joanna M. Shepherd, a law professor at Emory with a doctorate in economics who was involved in several studies on the death penalty, stated, I am definitely against the death penalty on lots of different groundsBut I do count that people react to incentives. Shepherd found that the death penalty had a deterrent effect only in those states that executed at least nine people between 1977 and 1996. In the Michigan Law Review in 2005, Shepherd wrote, Deterrence cannot be achieved with a half-hearted execution program. 13 The question of whether or not the death penalty deters murder usually revolves around the statistical analysis. Studies have produced disputed results with disputed significance. 14 Some studies have shown a positive correlation between the death penalty and murder rate15 in other words, they show that where the death penalty applies, murder rates are also high. This correlation can be interpreted in either that the death penalty increases murder rates by brutalizing society, or that higher murder rates cause the state to retain or reintroduce the death penalty. However, supporters and opponents of the various statistical studies, on both(prenominal) sides of the issue, argue that correlation does not imply causation.The case for a large deterrent effect of capital punishment has been significantly strengthened since the 1990s, as a wave of sophis ticated econometric studies have victimized a newly-available form of data, so-called panel data. 6 Most of the recent studies demonstrate statistically a deterrent effect of the death penalty. 16 However, critics claim severe methodological flaws in these studies and hold that the empirical data declare oneself no basis for sound statistical conclusions about the deterrent effect. 17 Surveys and polls conducted in the last 15 years show that some police force chiefs and others involved in law enforcement may not believe that the death penalty has any deterrent effect on individuals who commit violent crimes. In a 1995 poll of randomly selected police chiefs from across the U. S. , the officers rank the death penalty last as a way of deterring or preventing violent crimes. They ranked it behind many other forms of crime control including cut drug abuse and use, lowering technical barriers when prosecuting, putting more officers on the streets,and making prison sentences longer. They responded that a better economy with more jobs would lessen crime rates more than the death penalty18 In fact, only one percent of the police chiefs surveyed thought that the death penalty was the primary focus for reducing crime. 19 However, the police chiefs surveyed were more likely to prefer capital punishment than the general population. In addition to statistical evidence, psychological studies examine whether murderers think about the consequences of their actions before they commit a crime.Most homicides are spur-of-the-moment, spontaneous, emotionally impulsive acts. Murderers do not weigh their options very carefully in this type of setting (Jackson 27). It is very doubtful that killers give much thought to punishment before they kill (Ross 41). But some say the death penalty must be enforced even if the deterrent effect is unclear, like John McAdams, who teaches political science at Marquette University If we execute murderers and there is in fact no deterrent effe ct, we have killed a circumstances of murderers.If we fail to execute murderers, and doing so would in fact have deterred other murders, we have allowed the killing of a bunch of innocent victims. I would much rather risk the former. This, to me, is not a tough call. 20 This may be construed as contradicting the traditional legal view of Blackstone and the 12th Century legal scholar Maimonides whose oft-cited dictum is It is better and more satisfactory to acquit a thousand guilty persons than to put a adept innocent one to death. Maimonides argued that implementation a defendant on anything less than absolute certainty would look at to a slippery slope of decreasing burdens of proof, until we would be convicting merely according to the judges caprice. Caprice of various sorts are more visible now with DNA testing, and digital computer searches and discovery requirements opening DAs files. Maimonides concern was maintaining general respect for law, and he saw errors of commis sion as much more threatening than errors of omission. 21 Cass R.Sunstein and Adrian Vermeule, both of Harvard law school, however, have argued that if there is a deterrent effect it will save innocent lives, which gives a life-life tradeoff. The acquainted(predicate) problems with capital punishmentpotential error, irreversibility, arbitrariness, and racial skewdo not argue in favor of abolition, because the world of homicide suffers from those same problems in even more acute form. They conclude that a serious load to the sanctity of human life may well compel, rather than forbid, that form of punishment. 6 Use of the death penalty on plea bargainSupporters of the death penalty, especially those who do not believe in the deterrent effect of the death penalty, say the threat of the death penalty could be used to urge capital defendants to maintain guilty, testify against accomplices, or disclose the location of the victims body. Norman Frink, a senior deputy district attorney i n the state of Oregon, considers capital punishment a valuable tool for prosecutors. The threat of death leads defendants to see plea deals for life without parole or life with a minimum of 30 years-the two other penalties, besides death, that Oregon allows for aggravated murder. 22 In a plea agreement reached with Washington state prosecutors, Gary Ridgway, a Seattle-area man who admitted to 48 murders since 1982 accepted a sentence of life in prison without parole. Prosecutors spared Ridgway from execution in exchange for his cooperation in leading police to the remains of still-missing victims. 232425 Cost Recent studies show that executing a criminal greets more than life imprisonment does. Many states have found it cheaper to sentence criminals to life in prison than to go through the time-consuming and bureaucratic process of executing a convicted criminal.Donald McCartin, an Orange County, California Jurist famous for sending nine men to death row during his career, has sai d, Its 10 times more expensive to kill criminals than to keep them alive. 26 This exclamation is actually low according to a June 2011 study by former death penalty prosecutor and federal judge Arthur L. Alarcon, and law professor Paula Mitchell. According to Alarcon and Mitchell, California has spent $4 billion on the death penalty since 1978, and death penalty trials are 20 times more expensive than trials seeking a sentence of life in prison without possibility of parole. 27 Death penalty proponents disagree, saying the study claiming the costs of the death penalty outbalance implementing life without parole is prepared by an anti-death penalty. 28 When califonians voters voted in 2012 about proposition 34, which aimed to abolish the death penalty, the cost was the main argument of proponents of the proposition in theirs TV ads, and was also written on the ballot. The argument may have convinced some death penalty supporters, but the proposition was rejeted with 53% of the vote against it
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Impact of Employee Commitment On Employee performance Essay
Employee load permanently shows a industrious part to expand the employees military operation. Committed employees provide an immense input to organizations in standings of their mathematical process. The debate explored the effect of the employees ordainment on employees performance. Data was collected through 200 questionnaires from the employees of banking, telecommunication and education area from Lahore, Pakistan. For selective information analysis SPSS16 version was use. The outcomes display a positive and significant association between employee inscription and employee performance. Additionally, comparative analysis of the three dimensions of employee consignment (emotive, continuous and normative loyalty) shows a positive and significant adjoin of employee commitment on employee performance. The interpretations, limitations, implications and conclusions are also debated at the end of the study. KEY WORDSEmployee commitment (EC), esteemal commitment (AC), in sh ifting commitment (CC), Normative commitment (NC), Employee Performance (EP). INTRODUCTIONEmployee commitment denotes to emotional centre of employees to the place of work. Now times it is compulsory for every organization to have complete aim of its employees commitment. In this fashion organizations can have an exceptional performance on extended duration foundation. In the current age when employees work as a team and distributively team member attempts his greatest efforts to show himself at top among all. All such things rise the commitment take of the employees which as a consequence intensification the enactment of the employees.To get economical advantage every employee of the organization must be commit to the administrative purposes. Still the employee commitment is the utmost puzzling and researchable perception in the arenas of organization and executive behavior. In former times organizations offer trick safety to expand the commitment take of the employees which pointers to the enhanced employees performance. Advanced level of the employee commitment at singular smooth and administrative level is the crucial member of the superior employee performance. Meyer and Allens (1991) established a three-component prototypical of organizational commitment. The three- component model was a inclusive and comprehensible theory for OC.The three-component model consists of (a)Affectivecommitment (AC) is the demonstrative supplement to ones organization. (b)Continuous commitment (CC) is the affection founded on the addition of respected side risks (pension, skill transferability, rearrangement and self-investment) that differentiate with the organizational participation. (c)Normative commitment (NC) is the linking that is shaped on motivation to duplicate to communal customs nigh hamper. LITERATURE REVIEWThe article written by Whyte in 1956 in his book The organization Man gives the concept of commitment. committedness originates when a person make s a side link and extraneous takes with a reliable and consistent activity. The person who re main(prenominal)s for a retentive time with the organization shows his commitment towards the organization. Commitment helps to improve the unmarried as well as the performance of the organization as a whole. Commitment behavior is also explained by many some other researchers(A.Yousef, 1998). Commitment explains the association of large number of systems as an overall link (AlexandraPanaccio & Vandenberghe, 2012).The enthusiasm of collective performers to offer their verve and devotion to social systems, the addition of personality systems to shared associations who are seen as self- sensitive(Ashar, Ghafoor, Munir, & Hafeez, 2013). commitment (1) contains several(prenominal)what of the belief of the affiliation (2) it replicates the existing place of the person (3) it has a unusual forecaster probable, providing guesses regarding definite traits of performance , motivation to work , natural input and other correlated results (4) it propose the distinctive importance of motivational factors(Ashraf, MehdiJaffri, Sharif, & Khan, 2012). To integrate and line up the individual and organization objectives, process of using commitment is beneficial(Ayodeji, Oyelere, Tunde, & Mariam, 2011).Commitment is a situation in which an individual run short bound by his activities and through these engagements to opinions that stand the activities of his declare contribution(Chen, Silverthrone, & Hung, 2006).More committed employees request to dismiss from the organization at smallest level(Dixit & Bhati, 2012).Commitment is the comparative power of an individuals empathy with and in a specific organization(Dost & Ahmad, 2011).Low commitment leads toward to odd degree of turnover, however greater the level of duty satisfaction and demands high level of organizational commitment whichpromote to improved job performance(E.Becker, s.Billings, Eleleth, & L.Gilbert, 1996).Comm itment is an emotional bring up that fixes a person with the organization(Fisher, Mcphail, & Menghetti, 2010). Commitment is a psychosomatic state that symbolizes the employee affiliation with the organization and has an inference on the conclusion to continue connection in the organization(Green, Mahyhew, & k&pack, 2000).Employee commitment diminutions the possibility of employees predisposition of departure the job(Khan, Ziauddin, Jam, & M.I.Rammy, 2010).Commitment as a prejudiced, affective attachment to the aims and principles of the organization, to ones role in relative to goals and values and to the organization for its own benefit , respectively from its virtuously contributory means(L.Sims & K.GalenKroeck, 1994).Employee commitment clues to extraordinary level of organizational performance and very small level of employee move from the organization(M.Steeres, 1977).The performance of committed teachers is highly different from those employees who are less committed(Macky & Boxball, 2007). Significant research has been do in the preceding to discover the methods to increase the employee performance e.g. task performance contains activities which an employee executes to achieve responsibilities granted to him by his controller or behavior linked which are the basic procedures of the happenings of the organization(P.Meyer, J.Stanely, & M.Parfyonova, 2012).Organizational performance can be solemn through three basic modules which are economic performance, merchandise market performance and return to the shareholders(Panaccio & Vandenberghe, 2012).micro placement on method to job approaches and performance association is slightly confusing(Riketta, 2002).Organizational performance is an outcome of the employee understand and commitment(Saleem, 2011).Developed level of employee commitment in the organizations for individual plans are to the business is supposed as a main intention for improved organizational performance that leads to the organizationa l success(Shahid & .m.Azhar, 2013).Reliability has been described as the best of the human state ,the meliorate the human are committed to their undertaking will lead to their better performance(Vural, Vardarlier, & Aykir, 2012). Theoretical fabricThe correlation between employee commitment (in pendant variable) andemployee performance (dependent variable) is presented in the form of schematic diagram the employee commitment is boost divided into three dimension affective, continuous and normative commitment.(Independent Variable)(Dependent Variable)STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEMThe most important interest of the study is to investigate the impact of employee commitment on employee performance and to find the kinship of affective, continuous and normative commitment with employee performance in telecom sector, banking sector and educational sector in city of Lahore (Pakistan). VARIABLES OF THE disciplineThe Variables under the study are Employee commitment as independent variable and employee performance as dependent variable. Commitment has been further divided into three dimension affective, continuous, and normative commitment. Employee commitmentAccording to Meyer &Allen (1990) commitment is defined as the employees emotional state of duty to stay with the organization, feelings subsequent from the internalization of normative straining exercised on an individual earlier to or following entry. Reyes (2001) has defined commitment as a one-sided, affective attachment to the aims and values of the organization, to ones role in relative to objectives and principles and to the organization for its own interest, distant from its virtuously influential value. Employee PerformanceAccording to Meyer& Allen (1990) employee performance has been well-defined as the job performance is the work experience in standings of measure and excellence projected from each employee. . Richard (2009) said that organizational performance can be restrained through three basic components which are economic performance, produce market performance and reoccurrence to the shareholders. Dimensions of employee commitmentMeyer& Allen (1991) developed a three-component model of organizationalcommitment which has been the foremost schema for organizational commitment. The three component model consists of (A)Affective commitmentNumerous studies, define the affective commitment as a significant orientation of the employees towards the organization, some researchers designate affective approach as the supplement of an individuals set up of affectivity and reaction to the group. Affective commitment prevails to the goals and values and to the organization for its own interest. doorman and Mow day (1979) designate affective approach as the absolute strength of an individuals empathy with the association in a certain organization.(b)Continuous commitmentWhen the employees arrive into the organization they are guaranteed to commit with the organization becaus e of the absence of substitute chances and responsiveness of the cost linked with departure the organization. Continuous commitment improves on the basis of two aspects (1) quantity of stashes that individuals make in their existing organization (2) perceived lack of alternatives. Continuous commitment is a cognitive-continuance commitment as that which arises when there is a profit related with continued stake and a cost accompanying with leaving. Some researchers tell that the continuous commitment can be sub-divided into high expense commitment (personal sacrifice linked with the departure) and low substitute commitment (restricted opportunities for other employment). (c)Normative commitmentNormative commitment develops on the basis of earlier experience for example family-based experience or heathenish experience. March (1977) said that the normative aspects develop as individuals perception of their moral responsibility to remain with the exhaustive organization regardless of the status improvement or fulfillment the organization gives the individual over the year. Normative commitment can be increased through the additional reimbursements given to the employee by the employer. Steven (1978) said that an individual is keen to stay within the organization and donate to an organization to jibe with a individual custom. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY1. To explore the impact of employees commitment on employee performance 2. To understand the impact of affective, continuous and normative commitment that they have positive and significant effect on employees performance 3. To access some of the possible ways in which organizations can improve the performance of the employees 4. To prove that the employee commitment is a key factor towards employee performance 5. To conclude that a better strategic resourcefulness to enable the organization both at the governmental and institutional level to ensure the higher level of employees performance. HYPOTHESES OF THE STUD YH1 thither is a relationship between the employee commitment and employee performance. H2 There is a relationship between the affective commitment and employee performance. H3 There is a relationship between continuous commitment and employee performance. H4 There is a relationship between normative commitment and employee performance. RESEARCH DESIGN(1) InstrumentThe research targets to study the impact of employee commitment on employee performance. Data was collected through Questionnaire. The employee commitment Questionnaire consists of 18 items (related to affective, continuous, normative commitment), each factor consisted of 6 questions each in which 9 items were taken from the organizational commitment questionnaire by Allen Mayer. The second gear part of questionnaire is related to the employee performance and consists of 10 items. The questions were measured on a five point Likers scale developed by William Anderson(1991)ranging from(1)strongly disagree,(2)Disagree,(3)Ne ither agree nor disagree,(4)Agreed,(5)strongly-agree this research paper employee commitment(affective, continuous, normative) taken as independent variable and employee performance is taken as dependent variable.First pilot study was conducted by using 25 questionnaires. The crown back alpha was 70% in pilot study. After conducting pilot study some modifications were made in the questionnaire, these changes were made in the items which were creating ambiguity and miss- understanding among the respondents.200 Questionnaires were again utilize to collect the data from the respondents. The questionnaires were duly distributed and collected from the respondents of the Lahore. Thereliability and analyses were done by using SPSS. (2)SampleA sample of 200 Questionnaires was used to conduct the research on the topic impact of employee commitment on employee performance. The Stratified random sample distribution was used for data collection .Liker five point scales was used having two ext reme ends. It is a causal type of investigation the main purpose was to find the impact of employee commitment on employee performance. The research was conducted in a non-contrived study environment means that the study was conducted in a natural environment it was a cross-sectional study. (3)SubjectsThe data was collected from the employees of the three major sectors (banking, telecommunication and education sector), the data collection was moderate to the city of Lahore.DATA ANALYSISThe data will be collected through questionnaires entered in statistical Package for Social acquisitions (SPSS) following tools were uses for analysis Regression analysis and correlation tests.LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY1. The study was conducted and data was collected sole(prenominal) to see the impact of employee commitment of employee performance 2. The study further elaborates the relationship of the dimensions of the employee commitment (affective, continuous and normative) with the employee perf ormance 3. The study can also be done to know the set up of the other factors on employee performance. The cross-sectional method of study was used to collect the data which means that the research was conducted only one time, but longitudinal method of study can also be used for the better results 4. Due to the deficiency of cost and time only one city Lahore and three sectors (banking, telecommunication and education) were used to conduct the research. The results might be different for different cities and organization.REFERENCESA.Yousef, D. (1998). 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Saturday, May 18, 2019
The Struggle Woman Face Today in the World
Introduction Now fair sex ar reaching the equality they deserve but console some aspects of certain events exhaust surely given woman their doubts. These events bent known worldwide these are events that target woman in households or change by reversalplaces. These critical and ignoble events have taken this topic to a whole new level and that is why I have chosen it Stress/Depression When equivalence which gender goes through more emotional problems like stress woman experience more. Although the signs of depression are the same for work force and woman, females undergo certain symptoms more often.Woman are twice as likely to go through depression than men because of biological, psychological and social factors that they encounter in there life. This is definitely a struggle because carrying this burden of anxiety and worthlessness is not the only thing they worry about. Many women arent aware that they have been targeted by depression and that is the number one cause of suic ides. One topic leads to other and this topic can never have an end Family and Work Pressure Woman that are marry have 4 generation more pressure to endure than married men.Society and cultural opinions have all the way stated that a woman (when the suit fitting age) should be a proper wife and mother. Some woman in India, Africa, and Dubai are strictly raised to have the husband be the breadwinner. Now when woman have gained more equality and rights they still have the pressure to work and be house wives. Juggling work and family pressure is not an easy task and gets more wearying and depressing e very time. Females in times like now go through so much more physical and emotional factors than men that comparing the statics seems unjustified CultureLets talk about woman that live in countries that are major culturally influenced like in India, Pakistan, and China etc. Culture is a very significant topic regarding to woman because when you follow a belief there are rules set from in front that influence decisions. Women are ranked below men in certain refinings if you can believe. Girls werent able to attend school before in places like India and when these girls grow up to become women they have no education completed and that obviously effect their work options. These small choices/decisions that is set from the very beginning because of culture affects a womans life significantly.
Friday, May 17, 2019
What makes you beautiful
Youre insecure Dont drive in what for Youre turning heads when you walk by the door Dont need make up To cover up Being the way that you argon is enoughEveryone else in the room can see it Everyone else but youChorus Baby you light up my world like cypher else The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed still when you smile at the terra firma it aint hard to tell You dont fuck Oh Oh You dont neck youre beautifulIf only you saw what I can see Youll discover why I indirect request you so desperately Right now Im looking at you and I cant believe You dont sock Oh oh You dont know youre beautiful Oh oh That what makes you beautifulSo c-come on You got it wrong To prove Im right I put it in a poesy I dont know why Youre being shy And turn away when I look into your eyesEveryone else in the room can see it Everyone else but youChorus Baby you light up my world like nobody else The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed But when you smile at the ground it aint h ard to tell You dont know Oh oh You dont know youre beautifulIf only you saw what I can see Youll understand why I call for you so desperately Right now Im looking at you and I cant believe You dont know Oh oh You dont know youre beautiful Oh oh Thats what makes you beautifulBridge Nana Nana Nana Nana Nana Nana Nana Nana Nana Nana Nana NanaBaby you light up my world like nobody else The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed But when you smile at the ground it aint hard to tell You dont know Oh Oh You dont know youre beautifulChorus Baby you light up my world like nobody else The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed But when you smile at the ground it aint hard to tell You dont know Oh oh You dont know youre beautifulIf only you saw what I can see Youll understand why I want you so desperately Right now Im looking at you and I cant believe You dont know Oh Oh You dont know youre beautiful Oh oh You dont know youre beautiful Oh oh Thats what makes you beautifulI like this song because it makes a miss feel special.Its one of my favourite songs from One Direction. One of the relations in reality that I could relate to this song to is when girls say they are fat, ugly, not loved, or cared for. Its basically having a poor self-esteem, or feeling insecure. Everyone is beautiful. Maybe not a supermodel body, and a beautiful personality, but everyone has something that makes them, simply them. No matter what you look like, fat, skinny, short, big, small, it doesnt matter. We all are different, in a good way. We have our induce liking and disliking. We have different beliefs, and religious views.We also have different families, and lifestyle. And still, no matter what, we are equally beautiful. I dont really have any other relations I could make from this song to my life. And the last thing I need to say before I take out is, everyone is beautiful, and dont think otherwise
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Philippines: No Other Place But Up
The Philippines is considered one of the fastest growing economies in Southeast Asia. As of 21st century, the country is a member in several international organizations including the APEC, Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) and World workmanship Organization (WTO). In addition the Philippines likewise consider a lot of trading partners and trade agreements. though, the Philippines have suffered negative balance of trade for many years. In January of 2013, the Balance of Trade for the Philippines registered a deficit of $714 one million million million from $1. 10 million deficit in the same period last year. This was due to the 8. 0 pct downward trend of total imports from $5. 134 billion to $4. 725 billion in January 2013.Further more(prenominal), the countrys total mathematical product imports for January 2013 declined by 8. 0 percent compared to same month a year ago from $5. 134 billion to $4. 725 billion. business relationship for 24. 4 percent of the aggrega te import bill, payments for Electronic Products in January 2013 amounted to $1. 150 billion. Imports of Mineral Fuels, Lubri tin cants and Related Materials in January 2013 telled second with 19. percent share and posted the highest negative annual growth rate of 30. 0 percent among the top ten imports for January 2013. This shows that the Philippines trade deficit has narrow. Under the new Aquino administration, the authorities plans to open up the country to more foreign enthronisation in industries such as business processing operations, excavation and tourism. The Philippines liberalizing its trade can attract many foreign investors that can open many doors of opportunities to the Philippines citizens.With countries drop more in the Philippines there would be many job openings that will be a great attend to to support the welfare of the people. though, the Philippines can also suffer, due to the Philippines accepting the investment of another(prenominal) country their p roducts would also be sold in our local market that can weakened the demand for our local products. In addition because factories would also be established in the Philippines territory the waste from those factories can affect our environment. In 2010, the Philippines have acquired debt totaling to US$60. 048 million dollars.With that like any other g everyplacenment the budget that is supposed to be for education, health, agriculture and other development program of the Philippines is being spent to pay those debt. A great contraceptive for the countrys sustain fitted-bodied development because those money are properly use in investing in the welfare of the Filipinos and non through paying the debt are country have the dependency of the citizens to the governing body may lessen. If the government would spend more money to the education of the juvenility in the Philippines they would be able to find easily or create their own welfare.But we should not forget that the Philippine s will not attain sustainable development just focusing on one celestial sphere. Philippines should also ensure to beef up its funding in the health sector of the country, because without a healthy body how can we study and work. assumption these reasons the Philippines is losing so much money that can help the Filipinos welfare. A report conducted by Moodys Investor service, they reported that the Philippines credit military rank has risen from two notches to just one notch.With a new rating from Moodys Investor Service, the Philippines expects to make the last step toward investment stratum soon says Remo. Moodys said the change assessment of the creditworthiness of the Philippines was based on its healthy pace of growth, improving fiscal performance of the national government, unchanging banking sector and projected ability to keep a robust pace of economic expansion over the medium term. Purisima noted that Moodys decision was the ninth positive action that the Philippine s got from various credit rating agencies since chairwoman Aquino took office in 2010.Moodys said the latest credit rating of the Philippines, which applies to debts denominated in local and foreign currencies, was charge a stable outlook. With the reserves, higher than the combined foreign debts of private firms and government entities, the Philippines can pay debts to foreign creditors as they come due. The rise of the peso and the decline in interest rates, both of which are ascribe for improved investor sentiment, helped cause the decline in the governments debt stock over the years, according to finance officials.The upgrade in credit rating came following the 10-notch jump in ranking from 76th to 66th out of 144 countries by the Philippines in the global competitiveness report that the World Economic Forum released last month. Even though the Philippines were able to acquire these outcomes the Philippines should not relax. The government must ensure that we wont repeat histo ry once again as what happened to Thailand that brought forth the Asian Financial Crisis of 1997. Foreign Investors should not suddenly back out from their investment like what happened to Thailand.Given these the government must also ensure that local produce from the country should not be completely ousted by foreign products from the countrys import because it may be a hindrance to the Filipinos instead of it helping them. Lastly, the government should also take measure on the countrys environment not just the countrys economy. Foreign direct investments (FDI) breached the $2-billion mark last year, the starting line time it did so in the past five years, the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) reported yesterday. FDI register a assoil inflow of $2. 033 billion last year, up by almost 10 percent from $1. 52 billion the previous year. The country continued to benefit from strong foreign investors confidence in the resilience of the interior(prenominal) economy, given strong econ omic growth amid low and stable inflation as well as strong external payments dynamics, the BSP said in a statement. Figures showed this segment reversed to a net discharge of $373 million last year from a net inflow of $311 million. The Aquino administration targets reaching investment grade this year in a bid to lower debt interest payments and attract more foreign investors to the country.Though the Philippines benefits from TNCs there is also the other side of the coin. Many Filipino workers for these TNCs tend to utilize by not paying them the right amount of wage and not providing them sss, health care and other workers needs. Also as I always say the government should not exist the Philippines environment just to make our economy stable this in regards in our trade agreement with Japan. The Philippines continues to rank relatively higher in human development than other ASEAN member countries and is also making keep in the attainment of the millennium development goals (MD Gs).The National Economic and instruction Authority (NEDA) cited the 2013 Human Development Report of the United Nations Development Program ranking the Philippines 114 among 187 countries, with a medium Human Development might (HDI) at 0. 654 as of 2012. Wherein, the country is enjoying a satisfactory result of the literacy rate in the Philippines with 97. 8 % of the youth were able to read and write as of 2008. In addition access to calorie-free water in rural area where almost 92 % percent indicating that almost all Filipinos were able to drink clean water. In 2010 it is recorded that the life expectancy of the Filipinos is 69 years old.The government war able to carry out these feet because of the good governance our current government is implementing. A good example for this is P-NOYs action in eradicating corrupt officials like former Chief Justice Corona removal and former Pres. Arroyo pending case. With the governments money being used properly to aid those in need. The good name left by former Pres. Corazon Aquino and the governance his son is showing foreign investors tend to invest in the Philippines. To conclude, horizontal though the Philippines is somehow at its peak in attaining a stable economy.We should still be metric on trade agreements we sign because a lot of these more beneficial to our counterpart in the agreement. Though it provides the Philippines job openings we also acquire imports that endangers our local produce. Also for the Philippines to continue on going up the marginalized sector should also be able to feel it, because with foreign investor investing on things most likely wholly the rich can afford how would the marginalized people appreciate those investment. Thats when the marginalized people benefited from these investment I can say that the Philippines has reached sustainable development.
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